The Uncertain Kingdom is a development fund for feature films, supporting British cinema by funding filmmakers whose stories tell us about ourselves.
Now and again, we also fund the production of short films. But for anyone looking for short film funding right now, we can’t help at the moment. We’re not planning on funding shorts again for the foreseeable future.
The Uncertain Kingdom began at the end of 2018, with the idea for a short film anthology. The project brought together twenty emerging and established directors working across film, TV, theatre, animation, dance and radio to create a ground-breaking anthology that offers a unique portrait of the nation at the end of a tumultuous decade. Those twenty films were released in summer 2020 to critical acclaim. The pandemic prompted the commissioning of a twenty-first film on that topic, which was released in the autumn of 2020.
Inspired by the community of filmmakers that arose from the anthology project and the enthusiasm for films that grappled with Britishness, founders John Jencks, Isabel Freer and Georgia Goggin reimagined The Uncertain Kingdom as a feature film development fund. Launched in 2021, the fund has since supported the development of nine feature films and the community of filmmakers continues to grow.