2024 Belief Shorts


 Belief Shorts



Four Seconds Flat


Other Life


Care - Four Seconds Flat - Other Life -

Since The Uncertain Kingdom launched in 2018, the national mood has become no more certain. In the absence of certainty, we have belief.

So we created a short film fund awarding filmmaking teams £20,000 each to make a short film on the theme of ‘belief’. Commissioned in April 2024, Care, Four Seconds Flat and Other Life will be produced over the summer.


Inmate Ali reluctantly agrees to look after a ‘wifer’ with dementia, forging an unlikely bond that leads him to question who is deserving of care.

Producers Hannah Tookey and Lindsay Fraser

Director Stef O’Driscoll

Writer Sophie Ellerby


Four Seconds Flat

While play-fighting, Adam reminds Eve he could have her unconscious in four seconds flat. Eve must decide whether this is a joke or a threat.

Producer Sherie Myers

Writer/Director Leyla Coll-O'Reilly


Other Life

Two old friends drive through the post-industrial landscapes of South Wales investigating UFO sightings, searching for meaning in an increasingly alien world.

Producer Alice Hughes

Directors Tom & Theo Tennant

Assistant Producer Lily Tiger